Death is but an ending. An ending that brings in a new beginning. A new form, a new enlightened consciousness, a return to wholeness. The end of a cycle that will ignite a new course.
Death comes to us all, that is no surprise. Live in your light, in what you know to be true. Do not fear your death. Do not count down the years, the days. That is not fruitful, that is only a choice to suffer.
Life is not without loss or pain. You must understand that true grief is meant to only last a season. We are to grow this grief into a place of reverence, of knowing. Knowing that our love and connections to each other are never truly lost. When death comes to us, it is a great time of reunion and rejoining to our soul family. Yes, your ancestors, friends, pets are all a part of your soul family.
A lifetime on earth is tallied in time. This time does not exist in other realms. Your life on earth is but the blink of an eye in your souls journey. Know that with every ending, every earthly death of the flesh, every cycles end, there is life. There is love. There is connection. There is eternal life.
Channeled message from Jeremiah Joseph Johnson. Jeremy is an 18th century clergyman from Cromwell, UK.