What does this mean, to be still? A still, unmoving body with a busy mind is not in stillness. The tired, weariness you feel is from your overactive, overreaching mind. This mind is in competition with your heart. Who will the victor be today?
To gain authority over this reckless abandon, you must practice. This is a remembering, a deprogramming of society telling you that you are not enough; you must do more, be more. This is the lie perpetrated against you. You alone have authority over this drabble.
Take the time in stillness. Acknowledge every thought presented and imagine your hand swiping it away. There will be so many distractions in the beginning but keep at it, practice. You will begin to notice fewer interruptions. Practice.
This reserved time for yourself will begin to reveal a centeredness that has been absent, dormant. Not only that but a refreshed energy will be renewed in your spirit. Why deny yourself, torture yourself with the old rhetoric?
The when doesn’t matter. In the morning before you get out of bed. The evening before you go to sleep. Before coffee, after coffee. Sitting up, laying down. Inside, outside. Listening to nature, music or a guided meditation, none of that matters. You decide what works for you. All that matters is that you show up to practice.
This practice prepares you for this game called life. So settle in. Drop your shoulders. Unclench your jaw. Take a few deep breaths and get to practice.
Channeled message from Founding Father and fifth president of the United States, James Monroe.