Don’t call me Sir; Chris Farley.

Regret, pattern, betrayed myself. Routine, habit, typical. ‘Ya, well, you know, that’s just it. That’s why we use. Why we need to escape. Everyone loves you for what you can give them. They want you when you’re in the spot light. Oh look. There’s a camera, ya, I’m with him. It’s just disgusting. What’s even grosser is settling for the crumbs.’


Did you have some close friends? ‘Well, ya but I can’t be with them all the time. Even then good friends of mine were all fucked up. Hard core ya know. They could stop before I could. Not me. I had a higher tolerance so I always needed more than they did.’


Why did you use? ‘Fun, partying. The social stuff. That’s the normal, quote, normal part. Things would go dark for me sometimes. Maybe a few days. A month or two. I couldn’t get the disdain for myself out of my head.’


You were successful though. That didn’t make you happy? ‘Sure. It isn’t real though. The big magic show. All illusion really.’


What is your biggest regret? ‘I wasted too much time looking for everyone else’s approval and love. I didn’t learn what I was supposed to learn.’


Learn to love yourself? ‘It’s not just that. It’s the whole big ball all wrapped up together. Love, respect, honor, compassion, acceptance, non-judgement. Simple kindness at the most basic level for firstly myself then those around me and everyone else after that. I mean, that’s an easy concept right. Ya, but it wasn’t. I wish I had more time to get it. I’m a thick head ya know.’ (Chris laughs.)


Me too! (I laugh.) I mean, I get it but it’s still hard. ‘Laugh, for real. I loved the laughter. Don’t be so serious. Get out of your ever lovin’ freakin’ head! For real dawg, get the fuck out of your head. Be real. Keep the real ones close, the ones that tell you the truth and love you. If you’re too much for someone to handle, wish them well. At least try to wish them well and move on. Buh Bye! Sayonara, adios, peace out bro. Brah.’


What is your favorite movie? ‘That I did?’ Any movie. ‘Planes, Trains and Automobiles.’


Have a favorite actor, singer or band? ‘Loved the Banana Splits! Adam. Adam is my favorite. Actor, well, sorry Adam. You’re the singer. Patrick is my fav. actor!’


Thank you Chris, may the force be with you! ‘Ya Baby!’ (Chris gives me the Vulcan salute.)





Channeled message from Chris Farley. Chris died in Chicago at 33 years old from a drug overdose. Sleep well little ninja.

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