
Nostradamus, may I please inquire? (I see a tapestry robe with his favorite scenes throughout history. Past, present, future.)


What is so special about this robe? ‘Conductivety.’


Of what? ‘Elements, metals, stones, threads of connective energies.’


What gifts did you possess? ‘All Claires. Sight, sound, feeling, smelling.’


How could you predict the future? ‘Intension. Forwards, backwards. Ask to be shown.’


Who are your guides? ‘Amadeus, Dracor.’


What would you like to share? ‘Static shock point under inside, right wrist, left side. Cast a wide net then bring it in to focus.’


You are also Oppenheimer? ‘I am many.’


Who that are famous? ‘Lord Talbot for one.’




Channeled message from Nostradamus.

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