Splice and Dice

My dearest Albert, good morning. ‘A good morning it is.’ 


May we continue our conversation on time travel please. ‘Most certainly.’


When one time travels from here, our dimension, our time, does their physical body travel? ‘No, there is no need. The density would not allow this at any rate. We call it slice and dice. Your essence, your energy is the traveler.’


Splice and dice, so when one returns it is as though no time has passed. They return to the time they left and no one is the wiser? What is the dice part? (Albert smiles.) ‘You never know what you are going to walk into. You throw the dice, take a chance. Of course you pick the time and place but you have no control over what is happening in your surroundings when you arrive.’


How do you arrive? Spirit form, human body? ‘Spirit form, this form can assume any energetic, some call it holographic, form it chooses. This is essentially, to be seen or not to be seen.’ (A slight nod to Shakespeare, who really isn’t Shakespeare btw.)


If the traveler chooses to stay in the time and place they have traveled to, will they take on a physical body? ‘Yes.’


How? ‘Quantum physics.’


How? In plain, easy to understand language and not Einstein speak please! (I smile.) ‘One simply expands. It is the spark of the divine, the God force of all creation. Thoughts have power. Thoughts are creation. Your wish is our command to put it simply.’


The cells to create the body just appear and manifest with higher vibration and frequency, like internal combustion? ‘Yes, but more along the lines of external combustion, around and outside of the soul.’


Fascinating. Have you done this, time traveled? ‘All of the time. It’s one of my favorite hobbies.’


What time and dimension is your favorite? ‘I have so many. To witness the wild west, the Buffalo, the Indians, the sacred beauty resonates deeply. So too do those naughty Victorian ladies.’ (Albert smiles, wink, wink.)


You are too funny Albert! Do you have anything to share about Oppenheimer? ‘A necessary player.’


Why was this given to him to create and allow destruction, loss of life? ‘It is all a catapult, projectile, to bring you to where you are now. There must be contrast for growth, movement.’


Who was Oppenheimer in a past life? I assume you’ve had many lives together. ‘An assumption that is correct. Remember how you were going to ask about Nastradamus?’


No! Oppenheimer was Nostradamas? ‘One in the same.’


Amazing. Back to time travel, is remote viewing the same as time travel? ‘Yes, but you remain in your light body.’


Is this the same as astral projection? ‘Astral projection is beyond space and time, it is limitless.’


Is a lucid dream time travel and/or astral projection? ‘Yes and no. Lucid is to see clearly, full spectrum. Many times these visions come to you. Astral projections and remote viewing can have this lucid ilumination to it, therefore you could use the word lucid, however, you mostly go outward, travel. Now, let’s go even further. You are not the only one to view and project, this also works the other way around. This is also a lesson in, you get what you give. Say, a being chooses to remote view you. They will have to at least be at your level of vibration. Low attracts low, high attracts high. Understand?’


Yes. So, I can go lower myself but they cannot go higher. In other words, they cannot attach themselves to me. Is that correct? ‘That is correct. You are a fast study.’


You are an excellent teacher. Any last thoughts? ‘I never tire of such questions. Every revelation received brings me great satisfaction.’


Lovely. Thank you Albert.

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