Fresh starts, new Beginnings.

Sometimes a fresh start is not a new beginning at all. Sometimes it is just an exploration into the what is next for me. The next page, the next chapter. All of the pages that have come before do not disappear because you simply have turned a page. Look forward to the lines you are reading, the story they will tell. You have not read them before, who knows what adventure awaits.


Have you dog-eared some of those previous pages? Had to stop and take a break, rest? Well, that is OK, very few read a book in a day. Your library is full, take your time. Appreciate the binding that holds this book together, the cover. Each jacket different than the next. This is all planned accordingly. Your book is yours alone. This is your story to tell, to create, to leave on the paper.


Be open to new storylines, twists and turns, I’m sure there’s been a few! How dull without them. Sure, boring and simple can also fill your pages. How easy is that to follow when it only makes you want to close your eyes to dream? Bring your dreams to life. Live them. This is your story to tell. You write it the way you want it to be. See it, feel it, start the next chapter.




Channeled message from my grandma, Barbara Jean. Grandma was a speed reader, writer and poet. She could read a book in a day! She also taught us to respect our books and treasure them, we were to never dog-ear those pages. Well, she obviously has a great sense of humor too!

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