
To be free in purpose, to be allowing of all that is good, to flow through you into manifestation is the life force. The birthing of new realities, new paths, new experiences.


Freedom to lose the life limits we put on ourselves. The limits ingrained no longer apply. Find your joy, your all that is happiness. That is when you find your purpose, your divine connectedness, your center.


Ease and flow, follow the current. Be kind. Be gentle. Be generous in action in union with others. Freely give of yourself without expectation. Allow yourself to receive love and kindness from others. Allow compassion for yourself, for others.


Build a strong foundation on which to stand. A foundation of simple truths. These truths connect the divide. Love, joy, kindness, compassion, service. When shared build a fortress of light. Renewed lightness in spirit serves a beacon to those most in need.


A smile, a nod, a simple hello for some is a powerful reminder that they are seen. The smallest of gestures often leaves the largest impact. Let not yourself be troubled, for when you shine your light for others your own burdens ease.

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