
The power of connection is unity. Consolidation of the I’s into the we’s, into the us’s. There are none amongst us that does not benefit from this union. Set the intention. Open yourself to new experiences. Use your yeses more than your no’s.


Step away from the comfort that isolates you. Embrace the experiences, use the challenges. Is it non-acceptance from others or is it your own non-acceptance that limits you?


You are afraid? You don’t like rejection, so you reject your own true self? Many of us inflict self wounds that left to fester become rot. You are not created for such torture. Know that you come from the divine. You are peace. You are love. You are joy in communion.


Allow yourself to remove these limiting blockages. Go outside of yourself. Open yourself to the allowances of all that is new. Make eye contact with yourself and others. Smile at yourself and others. Allow yourself to see the minute as well as the monumental. Embrace the living. Connect. Share communion.




Ancestral channeled message from Sarah Divine Washington.

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