Peaceful Resonance

A powerful force within. This sleeping, dormant attribute lies in wait, hidden in seclusion. Waiting. Wanting to be discovered, uncovered, waiting. Are you ready yet? Are you ready to lay claim to your power within? This power of peace, internal peace. Resonance. Resonate peace is attainable, it is the true nature of yourself. The self. The highest, purest essence of who you truly are.


You are a gift. You are love. You are beauty. You are already the all of everything you seek. You already possess that which you feel is lost. Seek that which you have buried. Seek and you shall find. Quiet yourself. Ground yourself. Be still.


Gain higher ground, what do you see? A new perspective is always advantageous. Something when looked upon closely has a different view when looked upon from afar. These things appear to diminish in size when one gives space to breathe, takes in fresh perspective.


Allows peace a place to resonate, to settle in. Rest. Release. Reward. Recognize. Rest in the knowing of your value. You are of a powerful, vast, never ending universe. You are woven into the very same fabric of all that is, all that will ever be.


Release trauma, resentments, injustices inward and outward. Let go of what is no longer serving you. Letting go is placing your seal upon a letter to send to the place of peace that awaits you. The rewards are yours to claim.


Recognize the many lessons you have learned. Have peace knowing that you have and still continue to grow and evolve. Recognize yourself, see yourself for who you truly are. You are a creator. A powerful creator. Create the good. Create the peace. Create the space within for this peace to take up residence. Allow this peace the room to resonate.

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