Message from Michael

Heart, mind, body and soul. Surround these in love. Surround with united connection for one is not one without the other. Unity. Not division. Divided we fall. You have heard this before. This is a verifiable truth. Divided we fall.


Outside influences all fight to take away our sovereignty. This at times is not much of a fight when we freely give away parts of ourselves. Fail to honor, fail to protect, fail to love ourselves enough to stay whole. Think about these words. You know them to be true.


Are you not worth the minute amount of effort required to stay in love, stay in connected unity? You are. You are priceless. You are the rarest, purest of diamonds. You are meant to shine and show your light. You are meant to be whole. United with the all that you are.


Do not forsake thee. I know, you have heard that too. Hear these words. Do not forsake thee. Do not take yourself for granted. Do not cast aside your value. Do not allow yourself to stay lost in the darkness that comes from time to time. Shine. Shine your light. You are a beautiful bright spirit waiting for flight, caged in for too long.


Remember. Remember the simplest of joys that used to bring you happiness? They are still there for you, covered in dust and webs, they wait. Why this separation? Why the disconnect? Perhaps you stand too close, magnifying glass in hand. Vigilant, focused on what really are distractions. These distractions are keeping you small. Keeping you in darkness. Keeping you in an endless loop of hardship and disrepair.


Put the glass down my friend. Walk away. Zoom out. There is an entire universe and more at your disposal. Quiet yourself. Tune out to tune in. Know that you already possess all that is required to live in harmony. Are you not worth this peace? You are. You are. You are.

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