Green and white chairs.

Dying to Communicate

A boy is dreaming. He is at the edge of a swamp, a small creek runs through it.

The boy walks with his sister along the edge of the creek. She is talking but he does not hear her.


They round a bend in the creek coming into an opening. There is a muddy hole between two trees and two rusty lawn chairs with green and white slats.

One chair is at the base of each tree, legs sunk into the mud.  


The chairs are facing each other, a wire is attached to the leg of each chair.  
There is a red and white rod antenna stapled to each tree that is connected to the wires on each chair.


Sitting in the chairs are two dead, decomposing bodies. An old man and an old woman. Clothing, skin and bones, gray hair are all that remain. They were there of their own free will, there are no binds on their bodies.  

Their feet are firmly entrenched in the muddy earth. They died waiting; Longing to communicate.

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