It All Started With Milkweed...

Shared Insights and Inspiration.

asclepias tuberosa, milkweed, flowers-6751546.jpg

About me

Nice to meet you! I’m a busy mom to three active teens.  Married for 20 years, I met my husband when we both worked for a regional airline.  He is now a pilot for a major airline. We have a horse named Nut and a dog named Rocky. We love to cook and travel. I volunteer for Find A Grave, research our family’s ancestry and practice gentle yoga. December 2022, tired and disconnected, I discovered meditation. This blog is meant to spark your curiosity into your own path of  discovery. I am  hopeful that my journey to connection and peace will inspire you.

Talk to Me

Have any questions? Comments or an experience you would like to share?  I would love to hear from you.